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Dreams of Fire: Huy Cuong’s Journey of Self-Discovery

Dreams of Fire is a memoir by Huy Cuong, a Vietnamese refugee who escaped from his war-torn country in 1979 and settled in Australia. In this book, he talks about his life, struggles, and achievements in 2022, the year he turned 50. He shares his insights on topics such as identity, culture, family, love, spirituality, and social justice. He also reflects on his experiences of racism, trauma, depression, and addiction, and how he overcame them with the help of therapy, meditation, and art. Dreams of Fire is a candid, inspiring, and humorous account of a man who dared to follow his passion and pursue his dreams, despite the challenges and obstacles he faced along the way.

The Boat People

In this chapter, Huy Cuong recounts his childhood in Vietnam, the horrors of the war, and his escape by boat with his family. He describes the hardships and dangers they endured during their journey, and their arrival in Australia as refugees.

The Land Down Under

In this chapter, Huy Cuong talks about his adaptation to the Australian culture and society, his education, and his early career. He also discusses his struggles with racism, discrimination, and bullying, and how he coped with them.

The Dark Night of the Soul

In this chapter, Huy Cuong reveals his battle with depression, anxiety, and addiction, and the factors that contributed to his mental health issues. He also explains how he sought professional help, and the therapies and treatments that helped him heal and recover.

The Awakening

In this chapter, Huy Cuong shares his spiritual journey and his exploration of various religions and philosophies. He also talks about his discovery of meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, and how they transformed his life and outlook.

The Artist

In this chapter, Huy Cuong discusses his passion for art and his decision to pursue it as a career. He showcases his works and projects, and the themes and messages he conveys through them. He also talks about his influences, inspirations, and collaborations.

The Activist

In this chapter, Huy Cuong talks about his involvement in social justice causes and movements, such as refugee rights, racial equality, environmental protection, and animal welfare. He also shares his opinions and perspectives on the current issues and challenges facing the world in 2022.

The Dreamer

In this chapter, Huy Cuong reflects on his life, achievements, and regrets, and his hopes and dreams for the future. He also expresses his gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences that shaped him and his journey.


Dreams of Fire is a memoir that tells the story of Huy Cuong, a Vietnamese refugee who escaped from his war-torn country and settled in Australia. He talks about his life, struggles, and achievements in 2022, the year he turned 50. He shares his insights on topics such as identity, culture, family, love, spirituality, and social justice. He also reflects on his experiences of racism, trauma, depression, and addiction, and how he overcame them with the help of therapy, meditation, and art. Dreams of Fire is a candid, inspiring, and humorous account of a man who dared to follow his passion and pursue his dreams, despite the challenges and obstacles he faced along the way.


  • Q: Who is Huy Cuong?

A: Huy Cuong is a Vietnamese refugee who escaped from his war-torn country and settled in Australia. He is an artist, activist, and author of the memoir Dreams of Fire.

  • Q: What is Dreams of Fire about?

A: Dreams of Fire is a memoir that tells the story of Huy Cuong’s life, struggles, and achievements in 2022, the year he turned 50. He shares his insights on topics such as identity, culture, family, love, spirituality, and social justice. He also reflects on his experiences of racism, trauma, depression, and addiction, and how he overcame them with the help of therapy, meditation, and art.

  • Q: When and where can I buy Dreams of Fire?

A: Dreams of Fire will be released on April 30, 2022. You can pre-order it online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Booktopia, or from your local bookstore.

  • Q: How can I contact Huy Cuong or follow his work?

A: You can contact Huy Cuong via email at, or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. You can also visit his website at to see his portfolio and learn more about his work and projects.

  • Q: Why did Huy Cuong choose the title Dreams of Fire?

A: Huy Cuong chose the title Dreams of Fire because it represents his passion, creativity, and resilience. He says that fire is a symbol of both destruction and renewal, and that his dreams have helped him survive and thrive through the fire of his life.

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