
The Truth Behind the TikTok Trend: How Long Do Tall People Live?

If you are a frequent user of TikTok, you may have come across a viral trend that claims that tall people only live between 12 and 15 years. This trend involves people texting their tall friends or relatives to express their condolences or surprise at their longevity. The trend is usually accompanied by songs like ‘Never Forget You’ by Noisettes or Zara Larsson and MNEK. But where did this trend come from and is there any truth behind it?

The Origin of the Trend

The trend seems to have originated from a Google search query that asks “how long do tall people live?”. If you type this question into Google, you will get hundreds of results with links to various studies that have looked into the impact of height on life expectancy. For some reason, a common answer is between 12 and 15 years. However, this answer is not based on any scientific evidence, but rather on a joke or a misunderstanding.

One possible source of the joke is a website called, which published an article titled “How Long Does a Tall Person Live? How Old Are Tall People?” on July 31, 2022. The article states that the estimate ranges between 12 and 15 years, and that it is all a joke. The article also mentions that some sources compare shorter people’s life expectancy to that of taller individuals. However, the article does not provide any references or citations for its claims.

Another possible source of the joke is a website called, which published an article titled “How Long Does A Tall Person Live? New TikTok Meme Question” on March 18, 2022. The article also states that the estimate ranges between 12 and 15 years, and that it is all a joke. The article also mentions that some sources compare shorter people’s life expectancies to those of taller individuals. However, the article also does not provide any references or citations for its claims.

It is likely that these websites are either copying each other or using the same source of information, which is not reliable or credible. Therefore, the answer of 12 to 15 years is not based on any scientific research, but rather on a joke or a misunderstanding.

The Reality of Height and Longevity

While the TikTok trend is clearly not accurate, there is some scientific research that has explored the relationship between height and longevity. However, the results are not conclusive or consistent, and there are many factors that influence life expectancy besides height.

One study that found a correlation between height and mortality risk was conducted by researchers from Italy. They analyzed the death rates of men who had served in the Italian military and were born between 1866 and 1915 in the same village. They found that those who were under 161.1 cm (approx. 5’3″) lived longer than those who were over 161.1 cm. They estimated that at 70 years old, the taller men were expected to live approximately 2 years less than those who were shorter.

Another study that found a correlation between height and mortality risk was conducted by researchers from Australia. They analyzed the height and life span of 3,901 living and deceased basketball players who played between 1946-2010. They found that the tallest players in the top 5 percent for height died younger than the shortest players in the bottom 5 percent. They also found that larger body size reduced longevity.

However, these studies have some limitations and do not prove causation. For example, they did not account for other variables that may affect life expectancy, such as weight, BMI, genetics, socioeconomic factors, medical care, nutrition, exercise, smoking, etc. They also did not compare their results with other populations or groups that may have different heights or lifestyles.

One possible genetic factor that may influence height and longevity is the FOX03 gene. This gene is consistently linked to longevity in human and animal studies. It is also linked to body size, and may be one reason why shorter people may have longer lifespans. A study of American men of Japanese descent found that those who were 5’2″ or shorter were more likely to have a protective form of the FOX03 gene, and lived the longest.

However, this study also has some limitations and does not prove causation. For example, it only focused on one ethnic group and one gene, and did not account for other factors that may affect life expectancy. It also did not compare its results with other populations or groups that may have different heights or lifestyles.

Therefore, while there may be some correlation between height and longevity, there is no clear or definitive evidence that height causes or determines life expectancy. There are many other factors that influence how long a person lives, and height is only one of them.


The TikTok trend that claims that tall people only live between 12 and 15 years is not based on any scientific research, but rather on a joke or a misunderstanding. The origin of the trend may be traced to some websites that published articles with this claim, but did not provide any references or citations for their sources. The reality of height and longevity is more complex and nuanced, and there is no conclusive or consistent evidence that height affects life expectancy. There are many other factors that influence how long a person lives, and height is only one of them. Therefore, the TikTok trend is not accurate or reliable, and should not be taken seriously.

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